One thing the majority of people do not understand is that, the creation of the so-called state of Israel makes a dramatic change in the life of the Jews. Their main problem has been their homelessness. This is because the Jews are people with no land. They have never belonged to any land. They have no country of their own, but were dispersed over the world. Therefore, the Jews form a minority, wherever they stay, and thus were subjected to constant humiliation, discrimination and oppression. Hence the creation of their so-called Jewish state brought together of these dispersed communities of Jews from Europe, Asia and Africa. Before the Nazi occupation of Central and Eastern Europe during the Second World War, Jewish principal concentration was in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Russia, as it had been from the seventeen century. Despite their vast migration to North America in the later part of the nineteen century, two-thirds of the Jewish population was in Europe. Over 3 million were in Polish Republic, another 3 million in the Soviet Union, 2 million in the Balkans, 1 million in Germany, Austria and former Czechoslovakia. After an estimated 6 million Jews were allegedly killed by the Nazis in Europe, another million were forced to migrate. In Germany, for example, the Jewish community was almost wiped out completely and those who survived quickly fled Germany and dispersed to other parts of the world. Another tragedy that had befallen the Jews was the extermination of the Polish Jews, which had been their prime community in both numerical strength and influence. The Jews masses have disappeared through massacres. In fact the fate of the Polish Jews after the First World War was more terrible. For, while their counterparts in Austria and former Czechoslovakia made their way towards their countries of refuge, only about 250,000 Jews out of about 3,500,000 Polish Jews survived the war in 1939. Despite their notorious records of racism and egocentrion against non-Jews (particularly the Muslims), they have enjoyed centuries of un-interrupted tranquility under the Muslim’s domain. They flourished culturally, educationally and materially, and they have enjoyed a world of autonomy. Imagine the kind of tolerance extended to the Jews by the Muslims. But the Jews are actually an ungrateful people. See how they have reciprocated by usurping the Palestinian land. They employed all sorts of tactics and treachery against the Palestinians in the most uncivilized, beastly and unscrupulous manner. Now, on the question of whether the holocaust was a myth or reality that will be left for the Jews to answer. They are the ones who will be responsible in showing the world where they buried their alleged holocaust victims. We are waiting.
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